One exercise every agile team must do

Back in 2007, one Friday afternoon, my manager called me in to his office, just as I was about to call it a week. He had just returned from a certification course that he was participating for a week. He wanted my team to embrace Scrum and run the pilot in our team. Initially, I did put up a strong resistance to this. But …

The one extra degree

This is the first of a series of my posts on the key take ways from the recently concluded Project Management National Conference 2014 in Hyderabad, India. This is my interpretation of the concepts presented in the conference. Every time in the gym, when I am lifting weights and I find the last 3 or 4 of the 20 repetitions to be the most toughest …

Zig Zigler

Today I learnt a very important lesson. Its actually Sales guru, Zig Zigler’s wisdom. His concept says when you encounter a bad treatment while trying to make a sale, instead of treating it as an experience, treat it as an experiment. We can extend this to any other, not just sales. Experiences tend to leave a scar, which will influence our upcoming endeavors, but …

The Power of being “LIVE”

After every project, every big milestone, we learn a lot of best practices that can change the way we work. One of the biggest challenge in adopting these best practices is consistency. Although, these are “best practices”, they often end up being discontinues after a certain time. The percentage of what we we learn to what we retain/implement is very less. For example, we all …

Vertical feature teams in agile

Very enthusiastically, we embraced the vertical feature team concept. It made real sense to have the developers and testers to be in the same team. After two iterations, we observed some pros ane cons of it. We witnessed an unprecedented co-operation and synergy between the two functions. Requirement clarifications, use case realisation, storyboard development etc were among those areas which really improved However, the …