The Power of being “LIVE”

After every project, every big milestone, we learn a lot of best practices that can change the way we work. One of the biggest challenge in adopting these best practices is consistency. Although, these are “best practices”, they often end up being discontinues after a certain time. The percentage of what we we learn to what we retain/implement is very less. For example, we all …

Vertical feature teams in agile

Very enthusiastically, we embraced the vertical feature team concept. It made real sense to have the developers and testers to be in the same team. After two iterations, we observed some pros ane cons of it. We witnessed an unprecedented co-operation and synergy between the two functions. Requirement clarifications, use case realisation, storyboard development etc were among those areas which really improved However, the …

Deferred Email Send!

I recently added a small piece of code in my Outlook 2010 VBA. This code will essentially delay the email by 1 minute before it is actually sent to the recipient(s). My experience from the last two days have been extremely positive regarding this. It gives me one more minute after I have hit the send button to review my mail and make any changes. …

Managing Emails Better

It is not uncommon to be inundated with tons of emails. Two weeks  of a relaxing vacation, lack of good communication management in the project or may be a  crisis in the project will  lead us to such a situation. I am sure, each one of us would have our own ways of coming out of this temporary mess. Here’s what I do, not just on during …